This section includes those activities aimed at disseminating the QGISRed application, highlighting the Training Courses, the programme of which will be announced in due course. In addition, this section also includes links to some publications of IIAMA’s REDHISP group related to the application and its features, and news that have appeared in various media and social networks.
Training courses
The first training course on QGISRed will be held at the Polytechnic University of Valencia on 18 July, on the occasion of the 2nd joint WDSA-CCWI 2022 Congress, which brings together professionals and researchers from around the world in the field of urban water, with the collaboration of Dr. Paloma Batanero Akerman.
In the following button you can access a brief summary of its contents.

In the future, new editions of this basic course will be announced in this section, as well as the Catalogue of Courses that we are preparing, to cover from learning the basic principles of urban hydraulics, to modelling and scenario management for Master Plans, to migration to Digital Twins in connection with real data, always using the QGISRed platform as a base.
These will be mainly on-line courses with tutored assistance. In addition, there is the possibility of giving face-to-face courses at the request of any institution or company.
This section reflects some of the most relevant publications that have allowed us to acquire a great deal of experience in the modelling of water distribution networks, which we are gradually transferring to the QGISRed application:
- Martínez Alzamora, F., Conejos, P., Castro-Gama, M., Vertommen. I. (2021). Digital Twins. A new paradigm for Water Supply and Distribution Networks. Hydrolink IAHR, nº 2, 2021, pp 48-54 https://www.iahr.org/library/infor?pid=10798
- Vegas Niño, O.T., Martínez Alzamora, F., Tzatchkov, V.G. (2021). A Decision Support Tool for Water Supply System Decentralization via Distribution Network Sectorization. Processes MDPI 2021, Vol 9, Issue 4. https://doi.org/10.3390/pr9040642
- Conejos Fuertes, P., Martinez Alzamora, F., Hervás Carot, M., Alonso Campos, J.C. (2020). “Building and Exploiting a Digital Twin for the management of drinking water distribution network”. Urban Water Journal, Vol 17, issue 8, pp 704-713, 2020 https://doi.org/10.1080/1573062X.2020.1771382
- Vegas Niño, O.T., Martinez Alzamora, F., Alonso Campos. J.C., Tzatchkov, V.G. (2018). Using the Epanet toolkit v2.00.12 with different programming environments. Instituto Mexicano Tecnología del Agua (IMTA). 1ª edic. 2018. ISBN: 978-607-9368-97-5 (obra digital). http://repositorio.imta.mx/handle/20.500.12013/2187 (IMTA)
- Martínez Alzamora, F. (2017). EPANET 2.0 en Español. Manual del Usuario. Versión 2.00.12. Orig. L. Rossman. EPANET 2. Users Manual. IIAMA. Descarga libre. Mayo 2017. ISBN: 978-84-697-2429-3 (obra digital). DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.33536.89603
- Martínez Alzamora, F. (2017). EPANET 2.0 en Française. Manuel de l’Utilisateur. Versión 2.00.12. Orig. L. Rossman. EPANET 2. Users Manual. ISBN: 978-84-697-2429-3 (obra digital). Descarga Libre. .DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.25148.28808
- F. Alvarruiz, F. Martinez-Alzamora, A.M. Vidal (2015). Improving the Efficiency of the Loop Method for the Simulation of Water Distribution Networks. J.. Water Res. and Planning Management. Vol 141. No 10. Oct 2015 (Q1, IF2015 2.521). DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000539
- Martínez Alzamora, F., Ulanicki, B., Salomons, E. (2014). Fast and practical method for model reduction of large scale water distribution networks. J. of Water Res. Plann. and Manag. ASCE. April 2014, 140(4), 444-456 (Q1, IF2014 2,676). DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000333
- Derek G. Jamieson, Uri Shamir, Fernando Martinez, Marco Franchini (2007). Conceptual design of a genetic, real-time, near-optimal control system for water-distribution networks. Journal of Hydroinformatics, Vol 9, nº 1, 2007, pp 3-14. DOI: 10.2166/hydro.2006.013
- Fernando Martínez, Vicente Hernández, José Miguel Alonso, Zhengfu Rao, Stefano Alvisi (2007). Optimizing the operation of the Valencia water distribution network. Journal of Hydroinformatics, Vol 9, nº 1, 2007, pp 65-78 DOI: 10.2166/hydro.2006.018
- Martínez Alzamora, F., Ferrer Polo, J., Bou Soler, V., Cortés Mahecha, J. (2007). Sistema de Indicadores para la Gestión de las Redes de Agua Potable. Proyecto AQUA-CONTROL. Diputación de Castellón – Inst. Ing. Agua. Univ. Polit. Valencia. Marzo 2007. ISBN: 84-88263-64-3. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.30742.75846
- Martínez, F.; Bartolín, H. (2005). GISRed 1.0, a GIS-based Tool for Water Distribution Models for Master Plans. Effective Modeling of Urban Water Systems. Monograph 13, pp 79-92. Ed. By W. James et al. Publ. CHI. Guelph, Ontario (Canadá). 2005. ISBN: 0-9736716-0-2. DOI: 10.14796/JWMM.R223-05
- Bartolín, H, Martínez, F. (2004). GISRED v10. User’s Manual. Publicaciones UPV, Marzo 2004. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35319.47527
- Martínez, F. (2003). EPANET: Una potente herramienta para el análisis de redes de distribución de agua a presión. Hidropres: Tecnología y gestión del agua. Nº 38, May/Julio 2003, pp 30-37 Access
- Hernández, V.; Vidal, A.; Alvarruiz, F.; Alonso, J.M.; Guerrero, D.; Ruiz, Martínez, F.; Vercher, J.; Ulanicki, B. (2000). Parallel Computing in Water Network Analysis and Leakage Minimisation. Journal of .Water Resources and Plannign Management. ASCE Vol. 126. No.4 Jul/Aug 2000. pp 251-260 (IF2002 0,64). DOI: http://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9496(2000)126:4(251)
- Martínez, F; Signes, M; Savall, R.; Andrés, M., Ponz, R., Conejos, P. (1999). Construction and use of a dynamic simulation model for the Valencia metropolitan water supply and distribution network. Water Industry Systems. Vol One: modelling and optimisation applications. Edit: Savic, A, Walters G.A, pp 155-174. Research Studies Press Ltd. Hertfordshire, UK, 1999 ISBN: 0 86380 248 6. Access
- Ulanicki, B., Zehnpfund, A., Martinez, F. (1996). Simplification of water distribution network models. Hydroinformatics’96, Ed. by A. Müller, pp 493-500. Balkema, Rotterdam. September 1996. ISBN: 90-5410-852-5. Access
- Martínez,F., Pérez, R., Izquierdo, J. (1995).Optimum design and reliability in water distribution systems. Improving Efficiency and Reliability in Water Distribution Systems. Cap 13, pp 303-328. Kluwer Academic Press. May 1995. SBN: 0-7923-3536-8 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-017-1841-7_13
- Martínez, F., García-Serra, J. (1993). Mathematical modelling of water distribution systems in service. Water Supply Systems. State of the art and future trends, Cap. 6, pp 143-174. Ed. E.Cabrera, F.Martinez. Computational Mechanics Pub. May 1993. ISBN: 1-85312-253-X. Access
- Martínez Alzamora, F., Lerma, N., Vegas, O.T. (2021). QGISRed, a free and professional plugin on QGIS to manage advanced models of water distribution networks. SIGTE Jornada GIS libre. University of Girona. On-line conference http://diobma.udg.edu/handle/10256.1/6227
- Martínez Alzamora, F. , Lerma, N., Bartolin, H., Vegas Niño, O.T. (2019) Upgrade of the GISRed application for the free analysis of WDN under GIS environment. 17th Int. Conf CCWI 2019. Exeter (UK). Access
- Hervás Carot, M., Martínez Alzamora, F , Conejos, P. (2019). Simulation of Tanks behaviour in Quality Models of Water Supply Systems.17th Int. Conf CCWI 2019. Exeter (UK). Access
- Martínez Alzamora, F. , Conejos, P., Lerma, N., Hervás, M. (2019). Construcción del modelo de detalle de una red de abastecimiento de agua por consulta directa a las BdD corporativas: GIS, Telelectura, O&M y SCADA. VI Jornadas Ingeniería del Agua, JIA 2019. Toledo. Libro Resúmenes Ponencias, pp 321-323, ISBN 978-84-09-14914-8. Access
- Conejos, P., Martínez Alzamora, F., Hervás, M. (209). Verificación experimental de la variación de la demanda y las fugas con la presión en un sector de una red de distribución de agua. VI Jornadas Ingeniería del Agua, JIA 2019.Toledo. Libro Resúmenes Ponencias, pp 272-273, ISBN 978-84-09-14914-8. Access
- Hervás, M., Martínez Alzamora, F. y Conejos, P. (2019). Modelación experimental del comportamiento de la calidad del agua en depósitos, para su integración en el modelo de calidad de una red de distribución de agua. VI Jornadas Ingeniería del Agua, JIA 2019. Toledo. Libro Resúmenes Ponencias, pp 304-305, ISBN 978-84-09-14914-8. Access
- Martínez Alzamora, F., Vegas Niño, O.T., Tzatchkov, V. (2018). Modelación del Comportamiento Real de Suministros de Agua con Depósitos Domiciliarios mediante EPANET. XXVIII Cong. Latinoamericano de Hidráulica. Buenos Aires (Argentina). Access
- Martínez Alzamora, F., Conejos, P., Urban, P. (2017). Calibración de un sistema de distribución de agua complejo a partir de variables SCADA.V Jornadas de Ingeniería del Agua, JIA 2017. A Coruña. Access
- Conejos, P., Martinez Alzamora, F., Gamón, A., Urbán, P., Alonso, J.C (2017). La simulación hidráulica como herramienta de apoyo a la toma de decisiones en Global Omnium – Grupo Aguas de Valencia. XXXIV Jornadas de AEAS. Tarragona. Rev. Tecnoagua
- Vegas Niño, O.T., Martinez Alzamora, F., Tzatchkov, V.G. (2016). Aplicación de la teoría de grafos a la identificación de subsistemas hidráulicos en redes de distribución de agua. XXVII Congreso Latinoamericano de Hidráulica. Lima (Perú). Access
- Alvarruiz, F., Martinez Alzamora, F., Vidal, A.M. (2016). A Toolkit for Water Distribution Systems’ Simulation using the Loop Method and High Performance Computing. Water Distribution System Analysis. WDSA 2016. Cartagena de Indias (Colombia). Proc. Eng. 186:303-310. Dec. 2017 DOI : 10.1016/j.proeng.2017.03.250
- Conejos, M.P, Martinez Alzamora, F., Alonso, J.C. (2016). A Water Distribution System Model to Simulate Critical Scenarios by Considering both Leakage and Pressure Dependent Demands. Water Distribution System Analysis. WDSA 2016. Cartagena de Indias (Colombia). Proc. Eng. 186:380-387. Dec. 2017. DOI : 10.1016/j.proeng.2017.03.234
- Martínez , F., Conejos, P. (2015). SCARed 2.0. Herramienta para la simulación y ayuda a la toma de decisiones en tiempo real de abastecimientos de agua. Vanguardias en Ciencia y Tecnología para la Innovación en la gestión del agua. Madrid. Access
- Martinez Alzamora, F, Bou Soler, V, Conejos Fuertes, P. Díaz Martínez, J. (2013). Conexión SCADA-modelo para la simulación en tiempo real del sistema de abastecimiento de agua a Valencia y su área metropolitana. III Jornadas Ingeniería del Agua. Valencia, Univ. Politécnica. Actas JIA 2013, Vol. 2, pp. Ed. F.J. Vallés et alt. ISBN 9788-426720-719. Access.
- P. Salas, J. Domene, F. Martinez, H. Bartolín, V. Bou (2010). La gestión informatizada del agua inyectada y registrada en la red sectorizada de Málaga, para la mejora de su rendimiento. XXX Jornadas Técnicas AEAS. 9-10 Junio 2010. Sevilla. Actas del Congreso. Access
- Bou, V., Martínez, F., Conejos, P. (2006). SCA-Red, a general purpose SCADA application for taking decisions in real time with the aid of a hydraulic model. 8th Annual Water Distribution Systems Analysis Symposium. WDSA 2006. Cincinnati (Ohio).P roceedings of WDSA 2006. Access
- Bartolín, H., Martínez, F., Cortés, J.A. (2006). Bringing up to date WDS models by querying. An Epanet-based GIS Geodatabase. 8th Annual Water Distribution Systems Analysis Symposium. WDSA 2006. Cincinnati (Ohio). Proceedings of WDSA 2006. Access
- Martínez, F.; Bou, V.; Hernández, V.; Alvarruiz,F.; Alonso, J.M. (2005). ANN Architectures for simulating water distribution networks. CCWI 2005 – Water Management for the 21st Century. Exeter (UK). Vol One, pp 251-256. ISBN 0-9539140-2-X. Access
- Martínez, F.; Hernández, V.; Bartolín, H.; Bou, V.;Alvarruiz,F.; Alonso, J.M (2005). CALNET project: building and updating water distribution models from GIS+ CIS+ O&M+SCADA. CCWI 2005 – Water Management for the 21st Century. Exeter (UK).. Vol One, pp 209-214. ISBN 0-9539140-2-X. Access
- Bartolín, H.; Martínez, F.; Cortés, J.A. (2005). Topological GIS-Based Analysis of Water Distribution Network Model. Applications of the minimum spanning tree. CCWI 2005 – Water Management for the 21st Century. Exeter (UK). Vol One, pp 185-199. ISBN 0-9539140-2-X. Access
- Martínez, F., Bartolín, H. (2004). Integración SIG-SCADA para la explotación de redes de abastecimento con la ayuda de modelos hidráulicos. Asamblea General de AEAS. Madrid. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.2973.2888
- Bartolín, H., Martínez, F.. (2003). Modelling and Calibration of Water Distribution Systems. A new GIS approach. 33th ESRI International User Conference 2003. San Diego (EEUU). Access
- Martínez, F.; Bartolín, H., Monterde, N. (2001). Connecting ArcView 3.2 to EPANET2. A full environment to manage water distribution systems using models. 6th Int. Conf. On Computing and Control for the Water Industry. Leicester (UK). Water Software Systems: theory and application. Vol. 2, pp 355-368 ISBN 0-86380-274-5. DOI 10.13140/RG.2.1.3292.2649
- Martínez, F; Conejos, P., Vercher, J. (1999). Developing an integrated model for water distribution systems considering both, distributed leakage and pressure-dependent demands. 26th Ann. Water Resources Planning & Manag. ASCE Conference. Tempe, Arizona, Proceedings. Preparing for the 21st Century. CD-ROM, pp1-14. Ed. ASCE. Access
- Martínez, F; García, C. (1999). Simplification of detailed models of water distribution systems obtained from GIS systems. 26th Ann. Water Resources Planning & Manag. ASCE Conference.Tempe, Arizona, USA. Proceedings. Preparing for the 21st Century. CD-ROM, pp1-22. Ed. ASCE. Access
- Hernández, V, Vidal, A., Alvarruiz, F, Martínez, F., Vercher, J, Ulanicki, B. (1999). Parallel computing in water network analysis and optimization processes. 26th Ann. Water Resources Planning & Manag. ASCE Conference. Tempe, Arizona, USA. Proceedings. Preparing for the 21st Century. CD-ROM, pp1-10. Ed. ASCE. Access
News and Social Media
The following are links to news and podcasts that have appeared in the media and social networks, in relation to the repercussion that the QGISRed application is having in the world of water management and the training of new professionals.